The brand new Structherm CPD is entitled “Structural External Wall Insulation & The Refurbishment Of Non-Traditional Homes“. It was launched in September 2019. Whilst it’s a completely unique CPD it’s not for everyone. But for local authorities, housing associations, consultants, structural engineers and architects involved in the external upgrade or refurbishment of non traditionally built dwellings it’s a must!

Whilst it was launched just a couple of months ago it’s already proving very popular and the initial feedback is excellent. For example:

Quite honestly this was one of the best put together CPD presentations we have had.

Faithorn Farrell Timms LLP

Structherm Non-Traditional Housing Refurbishment  CPD

Structherm Non-Traditional Housing Refurbishment  CPDWhen we talk about non traditional properties we’re referring to the “new” fast track ways of building homes which were adopted after the second world war in the main. At this time there was a severe housing shortage and an opportunity for factories and businesses which had been established specifically to support the war effort, to diversify into construction. The result was a shift away from brick and block built houses to new way of building. Specifically timber frame, metal frame, pre-cast concrete and insitu concrete built homes.

Initially the focus was on estates of low rise dwellings. Later a move to high rise living in most major cities also took advantage of these new ways of building.

These new homes were designed as a quick, short term fix. However, here we are some 60+ years later and many of these properties and estates are still lived in today. They look dated, are often cold and damp, thermally inefficient and expensive to heat. They are also, very often, not the easiest to upgrade and refurbish.

The History Of Non-Traditional Construction In The UK

Section one of the CPD explains the history of non traditional building in the UK. It also examines the four different specific types of construction in detail. It goes on to discuss the problems and challenges associated with them before looking at what can be done to improve these properties.

Refurbishment Options

Obviously external wall insulation systems are understandably regarded as an obvious refurbishment solution. This, as you would expect, is explained in a little more detail. An EWI system doesn’t provide a solution in every case though. I’s only as good as the substrate it’s fixed back to. This is why the presentation goes on to explain how a Structural EWI system can provide a solution when a standard EWI system cannot be specified or can’t be used without significant rectification works prior to system install. Failed wall ties, problem substrates and even a BRE defective classification can often be overcome by way of a Structural EWI (SEWI) system. And in a cost effective manner!

System Installation

The SEWI installation process is presented in detail and the differing processes depending on house type explained. Low rise involves fixing the system to the framework of the building whereas the system spans either floor to floor or column to column in the case of high rise. The different installation methods are explained in full.


There are a wide variety of different finishes which can be incorporated. To replicate a traditional appearance brick slips, brick effect render and the highly advanced and impressive ArtBrick imitation brick or stone can be used. Alternatively, a wide variety of textures, colours and finishes can be achieved through the use of render. A dash finish is particularly popular in certain regions – especially Scotland when locally sourced aggregate is often preferred. These different finish options are also presented during the CPD.

Case Studies

Structural external wall insulation is not a new solution to non traditional housing refurbishment. It’s been around for over 35 years and is a fully BBA accredited system. As such, there’s plenty of recent and historical case studies which are presented. These will demonstrate how the system can transform aesthetics, thermal performance and living conditions. Often over entire estates and communities.

Questions & Answers

As you’d expect, we’ve built in time to answer any questions which may arise. We’ll also be available to discuss specific projects or issues on a one to one basis after the seminar.

Book Your CPD

Structherm’s Unique Non-Traditional Housing Refurbishment CPD is a must for anyone involved in the refurbishment of non traditional buildings. If this describes your organisation or department then we’d love to have the opportunity to present this new CPD to you. There’s no minimum criteria – if you want us to present to just a few or to a large team we’d be happy to accommodate.

The booking process is very simple – just let us know where and when and we’ll sort out the rest for you. If, like most companies, you prefer the presentation over a lunch time we’re also happy to provide the lunch.

Simply email to arrange a convenient date and time.

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